The site of Phoenix’s first shopping mall, Park Central Mall is undergoing renovations to revitalize and return the property to its stature as a hub for community gathering. During the preparations for renovations 20 volumes of clippings were found in the mall basement, some from as early as the 1950s ground breaking of the mall. These are the basis of a new Nexus Co-operative project to preserve and share the stories of […]
Counting The Dead: Arizona and the Forgotten Pandemic

“Counting the Dead in the Forgotten Epidemic” is a series of archival projects, multimedia installations, and public events that focus on the 1918 Influenza pandemic. In each of the series, my team and I work to recover a full account of influenza mortalities in a particular locality. We then take that archival work and re-embody the quantitative and qualitative data in a mixed-media installation that encourages people to sit with […]
Migration, Mobility, and Belonging Across the Globe

The PLuS Alliance “GLAM+University Collaborative Ecologies” teams are delighted to announce our 2017 “Migration, Mobility, and Belonging” Seed Grant Awardees. These projects highlight the experiences and creative and entrepreneurial work being done by migrant communities across the globe. Each project is an innovative transdisciplinary collaboration that includes migrant communities, artists, GLAM professionals, university researchers, and civic supporters. Highlighting both the powerful contributions of migrants across cultures and the challenges they […]
CFP: GLAM+Universities on Migration
I’m pleased to be able to share the CFP below as part of an effort to develop the infrastructures of university and GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) to comment on issues of migration. This is a seed project funded by the PLuS Alliance and will feature one project in conjunction with ASU (including the Nexus Lab). We’ll also be working on a much larger grant proposal on this topic […]
New Connections Workshop
I concur with my colleague Jamie Winterton that “cyber” has become overdetermined and if you’re into understanding how that works you should check out her upcoming event with the Center for Science and Imagination. “Cyber” simultaneously looks to be urgently everywhere while also remaining mystifying for many beyond whatever pleasure there may be in police procedurals. Additionally, while poking fun at a certain someone’s invocation of “the cybers” is an important […]